2: Youth Jazz Improvisation Classes Age 12-18:

Developing improvisational skills can open doors to future musical opportunities, including ensemble performances, competitions, and even potential careers in music.
Jazz has a rich history, and through improvisation, youth will gain an appreciation for various cultural influences in music, broadening their understanding of diversity.
Jazz improvisation is inherently collaborative, promoting teamwork and communication among participants, which are valuable life skills.

3: Junior Jazzers:

This Beginning Band program for children in the community is designed for elementary aged (3rd or 4th grade) through middle school (6th and 7th grade) who are just beginning to learn to play an instrument and/or read music.
Students will be provided with band instruments if needed, and a method book that teaches beginning-to-intermediate music skills for their instrument.
Students enrolled in the program will also learn simplified parts for easy jazz songs, that will enable them to participate in concert programs with the older students in the Youth Jazz program.
Volunteer students from the Youth Jazz Collaborative will assist the Instructor and provide specialized help with young musicians learning their first notes on their instrument.

4: About the Instructor:

All Youth Jazz and “Junior Jazzer” classes are taught by YAMAHA Artist and trombonist Phil Arnold.
Phil is an experienced licensed and certified K-12 music teacher, and has also performed with many legendary Jazz, Pop, Latin and Blues artists throughout his career.
While living in New York City, Phil performed with top musicians on Broadway as well as playing with a wide array of ensembles including the Charles Mingus Big Band, While living in New York City, Phil performed with top musicians on Broadway as well as playing with a wide array of ensembles including the Charles Mingus Big Band,